Oct 10, 2010

Diapason Decouverte賞

このブログでも紹介した、弦楽器製作家・演奏家であるD. バディアロフの無伴奏チェロのCDが、フランスにおいてDiapason Decouverte 賞を受賞したそうです。11月発売のフランスの音楽雑誌「ディアパソン誌」で発表されるそうです。おめでとうございます。

Simple, but powerful words by the Inuit sharman from the early 20th century..

"All true wisdom is only to be found far from the dwellings of men, in the great solitudes; and it can be attained through suffering. Suffering and privation are the only things that can open the mind of man to that which is hidden from his fellows" IGJUGARJUK, of Caribou Eskimos.

Oct 4, 2010

The appaliarsuk catcher of Greenalnd

The appaliarsuk catcher with his ippoq. Appaliarsuk or little auk is a vital part of Polar Eskimos' diet. Whenever I meet hunters of the far north, I feel humble. Any toils artists face seem to be trifling compared to the tough reality of the subsistence life.